Dragon Soul Key Book one : darkness returns

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                                                         Chapter 2 


                                          The Dragon of light returns 

 The two ambulance rushed them to hospital  where doctors and nurses were waiting for them. Julia 
injury was very serious and they took her to the operating room lily was took to a room and put on oxygen for while. Julia was put in the same room as lily, but both of them were fainted in the fire,then julia open her blue eyes and look around the room, then julia's parents and lily's parents came to see them. Julia and may told them what happen but they didn't believe them story. Julia's mother turn on the tv on the news, "there have been explosion in the park it 2 injured  and killed  19 in the  explosion as you look behind me you see firefighters tried to put the fire out, we will find the cause of the explosion as soon as possible." said the news reporter.  Julia and Lily can't believe their ears as they heard that 19 were killed in the explosion. The same news reporter that was on tv and other different news reporters, photographers came in the room, they asked them a lot of questions. "Out please visit hours are over!!yelled the nurse as she lead all of the news reporters and photographers, julia and lily's parents waved goodbye to them. The doctor was waiting to talk with julia and may's parents, "may you are going home but julia you need to stay for tonight"said the nurse as she takes the oxygen mask off may. Lily waved goodbye to julia and julia waved goodbye back, the nurse gave julia medicine then the nurse turn off the tv and the light. Julia laid down in bed wondering what happen today "what's happening to me?" though julia. The next morning julia walked out of the hospital, she saw may waiting for her and as may and julia walk home, they saw the news reporters coming the same way. Lily and julia were asked a lot of questions but they didn't answer one single question, then another explosion was right behind the reporters. Julia ran towards the news reporters to see if they were alright. A power pole broke and was about to fall on one of the news reporters, julia's necklace began to glow again and light aura went to her hands to form a sword. She slice the power pole in half and one of cameras caught that on video, everyone saw what julia did. She look at the ball of fire from the museum and ran right in the fire, then her necklace glowed again and light aura circled her body as entered. Julia looked around to see a lot of people was trap in the fire and julia helped a woman with a little girl in her arms as she touched them the light aura spread to their bodies protecting them from the fire and smoke. Julia lead them outside of the fire and went back inside to rescue the other people that was trap in the fire, she rescued 10,000 people from the fire and smoke. Lily ran towards julia after saving the last person and the sword turned into the light aura went back in the key. Julia sat down on steps of the museum and firefighter put a blanket over julia, the fire was put out in two hours. the news reporters was surprised what happen today, Then may and julia parents ran to them, "julia are you okay"said her mom. They ran to them and hugged them so ever with tears in their eyes. They all walk to julia's house and julia's gave lily's parents some coffee, they talked about julia and may. Julia's dad found some old photo albums and some old videos, "do you girls want anything to drink or have something to eat?" asked julia's dad, They shook their heads and julia's dad left the room, he closed the door all the way. Julia and lily looked at the old photo albums and old videos, as julia looked at one of the photo albums and may was looking through the old videos. Julia found something unusual with one picture, the picture was julia, may and a girl in a ponytail. "Lily look at this picture, do we know her" said julia looking at lily . As lily looked closely at the girl face but only half of the girl face was covered, may shook her head as she continued looking through the old videos. But julia remembered on the first day of middle school, the same girl came to julia and lily, she asked them if they remember her. Julia and lily shook their heads. But then time froze expect julia and lily and then julia 's necklace glowed and summoned a golden dragon with dark blue eyes looking at them. "julia its time for you to choose your and the earth's fate" said the dragon.

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